The ReddMap
See all the awesome things what we’ve done up to this point and where we plan on going in the near future.
See all the awesome things what we’ve done up to this point and where we plan on going in the near future.
Here we are letting our community know a list of items we are currently working on and any relationships we are building with other companies in the industry.
Below is an in-depth look at all the major milestones Redd has achieved over the last couple of years. Take a look at how far we've come!
The Reddheads
One of the best things about Redd is our amazing community of users who support not only our vision but share our same values.
Die Rothaarigen
Eines der besten Dinge an Redd ist unsere erstaunliche Community, die nicht nur unsere Vision unterstützt, sondern dieselben Werte teilt.
The Reddheads
Redd의 가장 좋은 점 중 하나는 우리의 비전을 지지할 뿐만 아니라 우리와 같은 가치를 공유하는 놀라운 사용자 커뮤니티입니다.
As Redd is now self-funded for all operations following successful PoSV v2 activation, all donations sent to this address will be used for charitable and community-oriented activities.
If you really, really want to donate to the team to buy them a drink or as a thank you, please send to Ru6sDVdn4MhxXJauQ2GAJP4ozpPpmcDKdc.
Da Redd nach erfolgreicher Aktivierung von PoSV v2 nun für alle Operationen selbst finanziert wird, werden alle an diese Adresse gesendeten Spenden für wohltätige und gemeinschaftsorientierte Aktivitäten verwendet.
Wenn Sie wirklich, wirklich an das Team spenden möchten, um ihnen ein Getränk zu kaufen, oder als Dankeschön, senden Sie es bitte an Ru6sDVdn4MhxXJauQ2GAJP4ozpPpmcDKdc.
Redd는 PoSV v2의 활성화에 성공한 후 모든 운영에 대해서 자체적으로 자금조달을 하고 있기 때문에 이 주소로 보내지는 모든 기부금은 자선 및 지역사회중심의 활동에 사용될 것입니다.
여러분이 진심으로 팀에 대한 감사의 표시로 음료나 기부를 원하신다면 Ru6sDVdn4MhxXJauQ2GAJP4ozpPpmcDKdc 로 보내주세요.
"Поскольку Redd, после успешной активации PoSV v2 находится полностью на самофинансировании, все пожертвования отправленные на этот адрес будут использованы для благотворительной и общественной деятельности."
Если вы действительно хотите сделать пожертвование команде, чтобы угостить их выпивкой или просто в знак благодарности, отправьте ее на адрес: Ru6sDVdn4MhxXJauQ2GAJP4ozpPpmcDKdc